About this knot
This is one of the most common knots used in macrame and is very easy to learn. With practice you will master a technique and the muscle memory to enable you to tie them quickly without thinking too much, very much like knitting.

How to tie this knot
Step 1
The square knot is made from 4 cords. Let us number them 1 to 4 from left to right as shown below. Cords 1 and 4 are the working cords, and the cords 2 and 3 are filler cords and just pass through the middle of the square knots.

Step 2
Begin by passing the working cord 4 to the left behind the filler cords 2 and 3 and in front of the working cord 1 as shown below.

Step 3
Next take the working cord 1 and pass it to the right in front of the filler cords and through the loop made by cord 4 so that it passes behind cord 4 as shown below.

Step 4
This completes the top half of the square knot, and the cords should be pulled tight as shown below before tying the bottom half which is essentially a mirror image of the top half.

Step 5
Start the bottom half by bringing the working cord 4 back to the right, behind of the filler cords 2 and 3 and in front of the working cord 1 as shown below.

Step 6
Next pass working cord 1 back to the left, in front of the filler cords 2 and 3 back through the loop made by working cord 4 so it passes behind the working cord 4 as shown below.

Step 7
Now pull this bottom half tight in a similar way to the top half and adjust, as necessary. This completes the left-handed square knot.

Step 8
Many square knots in a row lie flat and form the pattern shown in the diagram below.